7 июл. 2012 г.
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» Way of realization безъядерного of the status
Way of realization безъядерного of the status
• Central Asia.
• With the purposes of development(manufacture) of the mechanism of creation безъядерной of a zone in Центральноазиатском region in Tashkent in September, 1997 the conference on the subject of " Central Asia - zone, free from the nuclear weapon " has passed. During work of this conference the aspects of transformation of Central Asia in безъядерную a zone as the important step in creation of reliable system of international and regional safety were discussed.
• On ceremony of opening of a conference the president of our country И. Каримов in the performance(statement) especially has emphasized, that the idea of transformation of Central Asia in a zone, free from the nuclear weapon, completely coincides with measures, realized on maintenance regional безопасности.*
• The reports, heard at this conferences, stated of opinion and the offer have the important significance for the further development of international cooperation in prevention of distribution of the weapon of a mass defeat.
• It is necessary to note, that the representatives(representative) completely have supported 56 countries and about 16 international organizations participating in work of a conference, idea of transformation of Central Asia in безъядерную a zone. In particular(personally), the representatives(representative) of Kyrgyzstan have introduced the offer on realization in Bishkek of a meeting of group of the international experts on this question including of representatives(representative) " of Nuclear club ". This initiative was maintained by the participants of a conference. At this conference with final speech the Minister of foreign businesses of Uzbekistan А. Камилов also has acted, where was marked, that the government РУ is ready to expand cooperation to all states - participants of this forum in achievement of the scheduled purposes on regional safety and distribution of the nuclear weapon.
• On my sight, taking into account experience of creation безъядерных of zones, it is necessary voluntary волеизъявление of the states Центральноазиатского of region in support of creation of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon. For want of it it is necessary also волеизъявление so-called " great by keeping " - members of Advice(council) of Safety ООН and countries having the nuclear weapon. It is necessary to emphasize, that also it is necessary to conclude the appropriate agreements with countries, граничащими with considered region on strict observance of a mode of the agreement both conventional norms and principles of the international law.
• With the purposes of attraction of attention of a world(global) public and effective decision of problems of creation безъядерной of a zone in Central Asia the performance(statement) of the presidents of the states of region with the Declaration on the announcement of Central Asia безъядерной by a zone would be expedient. The declaration would proclaim aspiration to relieve countries of region of tragical consequences, in which the nuclear war would result and would express hopes, that the conclusion regional центральноазиатского of the agreement will promote acceptance of the agreement on this question in global scale. In the document also it is necessary to explain intentions of the contract. parties to conclude the universal agreement in frameworks Центральноазиатского of region containing the obligations to not make to not receive to not store(keep) and to not test the nuclear weapon, and also means and technology of his(its) production. It is important затронуть a question on the obligation nuclear by keeping to respect безъядерный the status of a prospective zone. Such declaration will give a powerful pulse to международно-legal registration безъядерной of a zone in Central Asia.
• The following step for want of creation безъядерной of a zone in Central Asia - removal on discussion ГА ООН by the states of the given region of the project of the resolution, in which the given declaration would be accepted to the item of information of all world(global) community and the rules(situation) on study by countries Центральноазиатского of region of measures contained rather which are necessary to agree for realization of the purposes of the declaration. In the document also it is necessary to indicate importance of rendering by all states, including nuclear державами, complete assistance to effective realization of the peace purposes of the declaration.
• The conclusion of the international agreement, on my sight, would become the most optimum method of registration of the status безъядерной of a zone, logic result on transformation of Central Asia into a zone, free from the nuclear weapon. The main purpose of the given agreement will consist in prohibition in any form of presence of the nuclear weapon in Central Asia.
• The agreement should contain the obligations of the states - participants, which include the following:
• Prohibition on the territory of tests of the nuclear weapon;
• Use of nuclear technologies in the military purposes;
• Production and purchase of the nuclear weapon;
• Storage, accommodation and transit of the nuclear weapon;
• The efficiency of the status безъядерной of a zone in Central Asia depends and from волеизъявления nuclear by keeping. In these purposes, in addition to this agreement, it is necessary to prepare two protocols, to first of which the countries, граничащие with Центральноазиатским by region and having the nuclear weapon de-jure and de-facto - Russia, China, Pakistan, India would join. The second protocol would contain the obligations of five countries - Russia, China, USA, Great Britain and France (members " of Nuclear club "), which at the same time are the permanent members СБ ООН - to observe the status безъядерной of a zone to not infringe and to not promote infringements.
• These protocols would serve as the guarantor of the status безъядерной of a zone, as in them the responsibilities of countries having the nuclear weapon are stipulated to abstain from direct or indirect infringements of the status of a zone, and also to not apply термоядерное the weapon in relation to countries of considered region.
• The agreement about безъядерной to a zone in Central Asia should provide its(her) physical borders in strict conformity with existing norms of the international law. The borders безъядерной of a zone should be precisely certain(precisely determined) with the consent of all prospective parties to an agreement. In the present moment the area of a prospective zone makes 3,99 млн. Sq. km.
• The status безъядерной of a zone of Central Asia should provide the precise monitoring system. The control concerns to number of those questions, which cause the sharpest disagreements between the negotiators on creation безъядерной of a zone. On my sight, optimal by variant the double monitoring system is: on the one hand - " Agency on prohibition of the nuclear weapon in Central Asia ", which can учредить the state-participants of the agreement; on the other hand - МАГАТЭ, with which the state-participants can conclude the universal agreement for application of system of the warranties of this organization, taking into account its(her) experience of activity in the field of peace use of a nuclear energy and non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. Within the framework of a procedure of the party grantive the semi-annual reports " to Agency on prohibition of the nuclear weapon in Central Asia " and МАГАТЭ.
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