7 июл. 2012 г.
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1 Precondition of creation безъядерной of a zone in
• Central Asia.
• The presidents центральноазиатских of republics - Ислам Каримов, Нурсултан Назарбаев, Аскар Акаев, Сапармурад Ниязов and Имомали Рахмонов - at the meeting in Tashkent from January 11, 1993 have created a basis for the new regional commonwealth which has received the name CENTRAL Asia.
• Thus, on political cards of the world and Asia, in the political and encyclopaedic dictionaries, political, economic and scientific literature, mass media there was a new term: commonwealth, region of Central Asia in structure of five sovereign independent states - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Туркменистана. They are connected by(with) general(common) хозяйственно-economic and cooperative communications(connections), historical processes, borders, customs, tradition, culture, language, religion, complex(difficult) ecological problems.
• The commonwealth of the states of Central Asia should promote the decision of such main interconnected and general(common) regional questions and problems, as fast and painless overcoming of economic barriers, adjustment of mutually advantageous integration, raising on qualitative a new level of traditional friendly communications(connections) and mutually advantageous cooperation, improvement of ecological conditions in areas of the Aral and Caspian seas, strenghtening of the regional world and safety, non-distribution of the nuclear weapon.
• The safety, stability and geopolitical balance in region makes the main contents of external policy(politics) of Uzbekistan since the first days of independence.
• This one of major conditions of dynamical and stable development of country. Continu. in region by decades the armed conflicts kept the centers этнической of intensity do(make) this problem especially urgent.
• Uzbekistan entirely supports a principle of indivisibility and взаимосвязанности of safety - internal, regional, global. By one of first among the new independent states our country has joined the Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. And in September, 1993 from a tribune of 48-th session of General Assembly ООН the President Ислам Каримов for the first time has acted with the initiative about creation in Central Asia of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon. The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan has received positive valuations of international community. And February 28, 1997 of the chapter to five центральноазиатских of the states at a meeting in Алматы, by signing Алматинскую the declaration, unanimously have supported idea of creation of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon. From this moment the offer of Uzbekistan carries character of the regional initiative expressing collective will of five states, all living here peoples.
• Analyzing all legal preconditions of formation(training) of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon in Central Asia, it is necessary to note, that all states of this zone are the active members ООН, Which charter has fixed a principle of disarmament as the conventional norm of the international law requiring(demanding) strictly and steadily to observe the acting norms about disarmament and to achieve creation of new norms, conclusion of the new agreements directed on disarmament.
• The major precondition of formation(training) of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon in Central Asia, is the sharing(participation) of the states of this region in the Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon from a 1968. All these states ratified ДНЯО and by that have taken up the obligations to not make or other image to not acquire the nuclear weapon, that is the major basis facilitating efforts on realization of idea безъядерной of Central Asia. Also positive factor for want of creation of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon in Central Asia, is that the states of a prospective zone have signed the Final Sertificate(act) ОБСЕ, in which the main principles of the international law, such as a principle of peace coexistence of the states, principle of disarmament etc. are fixed
• The president РУ И.А. Каримов acting on 48-th session of General Assembly ООН has noted, that " Uzbekistan, making a basis of Central Asia, is firm and is consecutive acts for a safety and stability in all regions, and first of all in Central Asia, as a feature of this region and his(its) geopolitical rule(situation) are those, that for want of negative development of events it(he) can become one of large детонаторов of instability all over the world. It is enough to tell, that the person relating to various этническим and religious groups lives about 60 millions at Central Asia, that here are saved nuclear and usual arms of large destructive force. It is quite natural, that the collisions in this region are capable to cause accidents of unpredictable scales ".*
• It would be wrong to doubt that the peaceful disposition is a priority of external policy(politics) of Uzbekistan. On international arena the representatives(representative) of our republic act for strenghtening of the world and safety, for the sanction disputable, territorial, этнических, armed and other conflicts by a peace way.
• The words И. А. Каримова extraordinary precisely define(determine) an item of a Republic of Uzbekistan concerning the nuclear weapon: " On territory of Uzbekistan never was and there is no ракетно-nuclear weapon, therefore republic is going and henceforth to remain безъядерной a zone. Our state will not enter agressive blocks and unions. At the same time safety of Republic will be provided and as a result creations of special zones and conclusions of the appropriate collective agreements ".
• On 48 sessions of General Assembly ООН the President И. А. Каримов has put forward a number of the initiatives directed on maintenance of the world and safety as in Central Asia, and all over the world. So, Uzbekistan would welcome convocation in Tashkent of a constantly acting seminar ООН on safety, stability and cooperation in Central Asia, on which the interested parties within the framework of policy(politics) of general(common) safety in the world and according to ст.52 of the Charter ООН could discuss opportunities of creation of reliable system of safety in our region, in particular(personally), acceptance of the collective sanctions of diplomatic, financial, ecological and other character against those, who wishes to infringe the world and integrity of borders, and to produce the recommendations for ООН on an establishment of stability and strong world in Central Asia.
• The attitude(relation) РУ to the nuclear weapon also is reflected and in the military doctrine РУ. In particular(personally), in item 1 of this doctrine it is marked, that Uzbekistan adheres безъядерных of principles (to not place to not make and to not acquire the nuclear weapon), the connection РУ to the Convention on prohibition of the chemical weapon and negotiations on a problem of prohibition of the bacteriological weapon, consecutive reduction before complete liquidation of military bases on territories of other states and accommodation войск acts for general prohibition of tests and in the end for complete liquidation of the nuclear weapon, for universal liquidation chemical, bacteriological and other kinds of the weapon of a mass defeat, within the limits of national borders.
• On my sight the item of Kazakhstan on non-distribution of the nuclear weapon is dominant in Central Asia, which is major Precondition for want of creation безъядерной of a zone, as this unique state in region, which possesses the nuclear weapon.
• Kazakhstan by one of the first states in a CIS has joined to ДНЯО, but with the certain clauses, as the rules(situation) of the agreement do not cover to the full unique situation which has been usual after disintegration of the nuclear state - USSR. The feature consists that after disintegration great державы and declaration of intention to become безъядерным the state, Kazakhstan has encountered absence of definition(determination) of the status (nuclear or безъядерного) according to a rule(situation) ДНЯО. Kazakhstan actually has become the receiver of the nuclear weapon, дислоцированного on his(its) territory. The country is the proprietor of this weapon, but that the control behind it to it(her) never belonged, she(it) cannot be considered as the nuclear state in the pure state. This contradiction was removed by the accepted Supreme Body of Kazakhstan by the Law " About connection to ДНЯО ". The law was accepted on the basis of the application of the supreme Body of Kazakhstan " About безъядерном the status of Kazakhstan ", Decree of the supreme Body of Kazakhstan " About additional measures concerning maintenance of purchase by Kazakhstan безъядерного of the status ", Decree ВС of Kazakhstan " About ratification of the agreement between USSR both USA about reduction and restriction strategic наступательных of arms ", signed in Moscow in a 1991. Thus Kazakhstan has joined to ДНЯО as non-nuclear country.
• The connection of Kazakhstan to ДНЯО confirms his(its) reputation as reliable international partner. This step testifies to loyalty of the state to business of nuclear disarmament, strenghtening of global safety and stability. These actions should help to development широкомасштабного of cooperation of Kazakhstan to all countries of the world and appropriate international organizations in the field of peace use of an atomic energy and space space.
• The peaceful external policy(politics) of Kazakhstan is confirmed also by that the president Назарбаев, acting on 47-th session of General Assembly ООН has put forward the initiative about creation of a zone, free from the nuclear weapon in Central Asia, once again involving(attracting) attention of world(global) community to a problem of the prospective zone, connected to creation.
• The main principle безъядерной of a zone is its(her) complete nuclear демилитаризация. In this connection it is necessary to note, that on territory of Kazakhstan on May 26, 1995 the last nuclear charge was destroyed. And according to the official application Н. Назарбаева - " it there was a last nuclear explosion on territory of Kazakhstan ".
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