7 июл. 2012 г.
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» International conventions in the field of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon.
International conventions in the field of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon.
• The international Convention on nuclear safety being the first legal document, directly concerning question of a safety of atomic power stations, was open for signing in Vienna on September 20, 1994. On the end of a 1994 she(it) was signed by(with) 54 states. The convention will come into force after reception by a depositary - them(him,it) is МАГАТЭ - ратификационных of the letters from 22 states, from which 17 states should have, at least, on one acting atomic power station. The convention concerns ground civil atomic power stations and imposes on the state-participants, in particular(personally), obligation to create and to observe the appropriate laws and rules in the field of a safety. Equal on the importance the rule(situation) is also that concerning the nuclear objects of the state should apply main principles of safety and to take up the obligations to participate in regular «analytical» survey meetings, and also to represent the reports on fulfilment of the taken up obligations.
• Alongside with the agreements on the warranties МАГАТЭ and other regional agencies, and also International convention on nuclear safety, there is one very important tool specially created for prevention of illegal switching of a nuclear material. The convention on physical protection of a nuclear material imposes on the state-participants of the obligation to accept proper measures for maintenance that, that during international carriage the nuclear material would be protected at the appropriate level. The state-participants also incur the obligations to not export and to not import a nuclear material, if not the warranty that is received, that such material properly will be protected at all stages of carriage. In case of occurrence during carriage of a nuclear material of a unregular situation the state-participants of the Convention are obliged to inform one another about происшедшем to promote returning of such material. The convention calls to accept the appropriate steps, so that the actions directed on failure of similar carriages on the national legislation, would become a punishable offence. By a depositary of the Convention, which was signed on March 3, 1980 and has come into force in a 1987, is the General director МАГАТЭ.
• The rules(situation) ДНЯО (item 2 of article III) oblige the state-participants to not grantive the equipment for preparation, use or production of a splitted material, if the country - recepient has not accepted the warranty МАГАТЭ. A question thereby was lifted on to what technologies the restrictions should be distributed according to definition(determination) in the given article « of the equipment or materials specially developed or prepared for processing, use or production of special splitted materials ». In a 1971 the group of the states - participants ДНЯО created Committee Цангера, which has made attempt to come to the consent on a question on uniform interpretation of the terms « the equipment and materials specially developed or prepared for processing, use or production of special splitted materials ». The committee Цангера treated article III (2) as requiring(demanding) from countries - exporters to supply(ensure), that the importer established the warranties of safety for the certain materials have the attitude(relation) to production of a nuclear energy or to research laboratories. The committee carries out information interchange between the members about the appropriate export licenses, which were given, and about those, in which issue was отказано. The committee informs МАГАТЭ on the activity.
• Group of the suppliers of nuclear materials (« London club »). In a 1975 one more attempt for protection of nuclear materials against possible(probable) use not in the peace purposes was undertaken. Informal group of the states - suppliers of nuclear materials, which meetings passed with 1975 for a 1977 in London and which has become known as later Group of the suppliers of nuclear materials, has produced the list of export materials, equipment and technologies, which delivery required(demanded) of the recepients of creation of due protection and obligations to not use them differently, as in the peace purposes. Known as London rules for the bargains with nuclear materials, this agreed list and the conditions of application of the given rules were accepted in a 1977 and are reconsidered in a 1993. Finishing meeting in Poland in April, 1992, the Group of the suppliers of nuclear materials has approved of the additional measures which have expanded a spectrum of the existing rules. The group formally has made the list of the equipment, materials and appropriate technologies of double use - named subsequently by Warsaw rules, which transfer its(her) members should limit under the national export legislation. They also have agreed to export such goods only to the states being the participants ДНЯО or which have agreed with the universal rules safety МАГАТЭ. Besides the advisory forum for consideration of the requests on reception of the export licenses was formed(educated).
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